Sunday, 9 January 2011

Animation fundamentals - good examples

1. Squash and stretch - The Mask - This means to difine the rigitdity and mass of an object by distorting or changing it's shape during a certain action,  here we can see very clearly that the character is plummeting down, due to him being stretched very far towards the floor, this is an example of it being done well, as it's very clear what is happening.

2. Timing and motion - The Mask - This means to space the action and define the weight and size of the object in motion fitting the personality of the object of moving characters. Here we can see that he is obviously swinging the microphone, and that it is very lightweight because we can see it swinging very fast due to the almost false frames of where the microphone has been previously in motion, this is a very common method used for very quick animation in classic drawn cartoons and works well.

3. Anticipation - The Mask - anticipation in animation involves posing the characters and usually utilising pauses to build suspence for the following action, i.e anticipating what will happen next, used here with the villian being slowed down before doing his next move involving eye catching activities

4. Staging - The Mask - staging means to make a certain scenario or pose unmistakably clear, in this example we see that the person strapped to the table is obviously the hero, and the one with the buzzsaw is obviously the villian, with the facial expressions and colour choices, you could not mistake this as anything but a perilous situation

5. Follow through and overlapping action - the mask - this means when an animation is triggered / caused by the primary action, ie hair moving when a character moves his head, here it is used when the character moves one side of his face it causes the other to move apporopriately.

6. Straight ahead action and pose to pose action - MK Shaolin Monks - straight ahead action is when you animate from a starting point and go with the flow as you animate, never knowing what the next frame will look like until the one before is completed, pose to pose is when you animate pin points throughout the animation and fill in the gaps later once the foundations have been decided.
7. Slow in and out - MK Shaolin Monks - slow in and out is when objects or characters give the illusion of real depth, such as a ball bouncing and noticing its slows down at the peak of the bounce and speeds up as it moves ot the groud.

8. Arcs - Poke'mon - This is where something animated follows a realistic pattern when thrown, being affected by gravity and arcing (dropping) when not being handled and suspended in air, prime example being when a poke'ball gets thrown in the animated show poke'mon, every time they throw a poke'ball it arcs until it hits the ground.

9. Exaggeration - The Mask - an entertaining animation is one which pushes the boundaries of reality, especially if it's a cartoon or other hand drawn or even 3D entertainment, prime examples come from classic 90's cartoon like the mask, here we see his eyes, teeth and tongue bulging out of his head, as he sees a speeding car coming towards him, this could be depicted in any number of ways, but the one we see is the funniest on most entertaining, i feel.

10. Secondary action - The Mask - the secondary action is when a second animation is caused by the first,  here we see the primary animation being the character flying through the air and breaking the ceiling, the secondary is the bricks flying away due to the ceiling being broken, this is used many times through any action sequence so there is plenty of options to choose from when looking for examples.

11. Appeal - The Mask - appeal is simply making an animation that the audience will enjoy watching, i feel the best example i can give is yet again, the mask, everything about the show fits what a cartoon should be, it's entertaining, funny, and genuinely creative and never the same thing over and over, combined with iconic cartoon voice actors it hits every nail on the head.

12. Personality - The Mask - the mask is a good example again for all of the reasons stated above, it has character, entertainment, charm, everything personality entails.